Rules for Students

1. Refinements of manners, habits, obedience to elders, neatness in person and dress and punctuality are required from all pupils at all times.

2. All pupils are expected to speak in Hindi in the school campus and in class.

3. Pupils without uniform will not be allowed in the class. They are liable to be sent homes.

4. It is advisable for the pupil not to bring valuables to school.

5. Any kind of damages done on the school premises are to be made ,good.

6. No pupil may leave the school premises during class hours or recess without the permission of the principal.

7. Every pupil should bring the school diary to school daily.

8. No pupil should scratch or spoil the walls or furniture.

9. Running, shouting and whistling in the school is never allowed.

10. Pupils should greet their teachers when they meet them.

11. Rise when any distinguished guest, Principal or Teacher enters your class or passes through any place in which you happen to be. Stand to attention and greet them and remember that your are ambassadors of  SJSVMIC, Gangho.

12. If a pupil remains absent from an examination for any reason, he/she will not be re-examined. In case of illness, a Doctor Certificate is required. The Principal will be the sole authority to grant or reject promotion to the next class.

13. Respect the beauty of school premises and pick up any such article dropped by others and handover the same to your class teacher or school office.